A Truly Amazing Place
I first began hanging out with the people at CIS when I was working with Ken Holland, who helped CIS build their facilities. CIS specializes in film-to-tape transfer, editing, and recently with E-Film has gotten into digital back to film.

This picture shows some of the taperoom staff at CIS with the D1 VTR's in the background.

This picture was snapped while I was at CIS for a film-to-tape transfer for a ZFX job. Price Pethel is manning the controls. Price is a pretty amazing guy, now at Digital Domain.

Here is the custom-designed operator console for the CIS film-to-tape and color correction bay.

In Hollywood, this is known as "Abekas Alley", because there are (or were at one time) more abekas digital disks here than anywhere else.

This is one of the customized Rank-Cintel pin-registered film-to-tape telecines at CIS. I'd better not say too much more, or they will be mad at me for talking too much!
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Please email me for more info: dave@zfxinc.net